The Blind Blogger, and some other guests – your own pay podcast

In this blab I had an opportunity to interview the blind blogger maxwell Ivey. We discussed some of the challenges he’s overcome, and also talked a bit about how he’s grown his social media presence. In addition, this is the first Blab that I’ve held where we actually received some live engagement from some of … Read more

Crack Isn’t Good

Crack isn’t good.   In this podcast i talk with you about how crack isn’t good. You’ll hear about my incident with a fish tank earlier today cracking, and how that directly relates to the fact that you don’t want any cracks in the foundation of your brand. In addition, learn why I haven’t been … Read more

Interview With Blind Hip-Hop Artest Fluffy

In this podcast I had the wonderful opportunity to interview blind hip-hop artist Jon Lyon, also known as fluffy. The ability to highlight other inspirational and motivational blind passionate professionals is a wonderful opportunity, and though we face some technological mishaps, we still got the podcast recorded and available for your review.    Who fluffy … Read more

Technological mishaps – your own pay podcast

Technological mishaps just cause people like myself to find alternative ways to complete tasks necessary for what I’m trying to do. In this podcast I’m going to explain to you a little about some of the technological mishaps I had while trying to conduct a interview on blab. Does this mean that the interview isn’t … Read more

Future Interviews, the Club, and infographics

In this podcast you’re going to learn a little about the future interviews I’m working on, what’s going on with the your own pay podcast club, and hear a quick rant of mind telling you why you shouldn’t use infographics. Or, if you do use infographics, here’s something you can do to implement a better … Read more

3 ways i screwed up over 2 years

In order to align this podcast with the abilities of individuals like yourself to be able to brand yourself online, I need to make an important fact clear. Just because you have a company replicated site and your domain name forwarded to that company replicated site, doesn’t mean you’re doing everything that you can do … Read more

Wistia Or Youtube – Your Own Pay Podcast

Wistia  or YouTube?    In this podcast I explain to you why I personally preferred to use the Wistia service. With YouTube, if you host your videos that you have as trainings for sale, they can easily be stolen without your permission. Of course, content on the Internet can be stolen at any time using … Read more

Guest Of The Month

Today’s podcast is my commentary on a guest blog post shared for your reference below. This is part of the Guest of the month group that I’ve become a part of. If you’re interested in learnning more about becoming a guest poster on other people’s blogs, definitely check out this page, and Emily who reads … Read more

Five requirements for a successful podcast

Five requirements for a successful podcast   In this episode of the your own pay podcast, I discuss with you the five requirements for a successful podcast. I will be the first to admit that my podcast isn’t as successful as what it could be, however coming from someone who has done Podcast work in … Read more

What Made You Want?

Sometimes you’ve just got to go back to what used to make you happy, what motivates you to get up and do what you like to do. Go back to that thing that inspired you to be you! In the recording for November 6, 2015 for the your own pay podcast I’m preparing my nightly … Read more

Welcome Stitcher, I want to be know

Welcome to the your own pay podcast listeners on stitcher. Remember that if you get any value or inspiration out of this particular episode, you can give us a thumbs up on that platform to show your appreciation. The more people that are positively impacted by the content that I have to produce, the more … Read more

2 Youtube Alternatives – your own pay podcast

In today’s Your Own Pay podcast, I discussed with you to alternatives to the YouTube network. I assume that most of my readers and listeners have heard of the YouTube platform, even if they don’t have accounts on YouTube themselves. if you’ve been living under a rock and have absolutely no clue what YouTube is, … Read more

3 reasons i use @libsyn for my podcast

In this podcast I discuss with you the three reasons that I enjoy using the Libsyn service for podcast hosting. There are alternative services, and I also explained to you at the end of this podcast why I have elected not to use those alternative services personally. Do you use Libsyn? Do you not have … Read more

Twitter Analytics with Voiceover

How are your tweets doing on Twitter? Do your followers engage with your tweets? Are you aware of what tweet resonate the most with your followers? Well, if your answer to those questions above was ‘I don’t know,’ then I completely understand! However, I’d like to show you how you can learn the answer to … Read more

3 tools blind business owners should have

Yesterday I dropped a podcast titled the three platforms a blind business owner should focus on. You can listen to that podcast here, however today I wanted to release to you the three tools a blind business owner should be using. Because the third tool isn’t the most accessible on all platforms, though I do … Read more

Your Own Pay Podcast – 3 actionable steps #yopcast

Three actionable steps to revolutionize your business    in this Scopecast I share with you three actionable steps you can take today to start revolutionizing your business. Sometimes we just need to go back to the basics in order to realize that what we’re doing might be spinning our own wheels. These three actionable steps … Read more