DM4: Social Automation Tools

DM4: Social Automation Tools Wait… social automation… You can’t automate society… You are right, but we can automate the information shared socially, thanks to the tools discussed in this week’s episode. Social automation is all about getting your message in front of people on the social networks, without spending all your valuable time on your … Read more

DM3: Getting Automated

DM3: Getting Automated Why do you need to “Get Automated”? Are your computers and devices working for you? Can you focus on the enjoyable part of work and let some the tedious tasks get done behind your back? If you listen to this week’s episode… then you will certainly be on your way to automating … Read more

DM2: Calendar Management Tools

Wait… You aren’t using your calendar… ? Well here’s the first tip… Start using your calendar! ? We’ll jump right in and let you know why using your calendar is so crucial to your life and your business. Find out what happened in Michael’s…

DM2: Calendar Management Tools

Wait… You aren’t using your calendar… ? Well here’s the first tip… Start using your calendar! ? We’ll jump right in and let you know why using your calendar is so crucial to your life and your business. Find out what happened in Michael’s life that made him start using his calendar… We’ll also discuss … Read more

Manage That Inbox – DM1

Manage That Inbox. In this first episode of the Your Own Pay podcast with Damashe and Michael, dubbed the “DM” series until we come up with a better name, we chat with you about ways that we are able to handle the overwhelming clutter that is your…

Manage That Inbox – DM1

Manage That Inbox. In this first episode of the Your Own Pay podcast with Damashe and Michael, dubbed the “DM” series until we come up with a better name, we chat with you about ways that we are able to handle the overwhelming clutter that is your email inbox. If your ready to Manage that … Read more

Drew Weber @radiodrew1 joins us for todays passionate  professional blind individuals chat

In today’s chat I had the wonderful opportunity to spend a little while with the notorious Drew Weber, and I had a blast hanging out with him. Below are my notes I used for directing today’s conversation, to hear any of the answers and to listen to this episode play the attached media to this … Read more

Chat with Desiree of 5 seconds to impress – passionate professional blind individuals

In this Chat with Desiree of 5 seconds to impress – we are talking with another passionate professional blind individual. The questions I asked Desiree are found below this introduction, you’ll need to listen to the episode to hear the answers. However, briefly, you’ll learn about Desiree’s passion for words, and how copywriting doesn’t mean … Read more

Master Your Best

Changes, Changes, Changes… In this master your best, i encourage you to master what your doing best, then get out of that  comfortable area mastering your best puts you in. Also, i am dropping the saturday recaps, they are the least downloaded episodes over the past two months. Bringing you episodes at 12:00PM PST on Monday, Wednesday, … Read more

Trello, Doorman, and Keep Going

This is your Saturday weekly recap ending the week of November 26, 2016.   Yesterday, I walked you through the process of adding a due date to a Trello card, and what to do when you pass that due date. Click here to listen too adding a due date To a Trello card. Wednesday we … Read more

Why We Keep It Coming and You Should Two

1. Why we keep it coming, and you should two scheduling and future outlooks  has helped know that i have knowledge people want to here shout-out to Ben, Gerald, Max, Marlin, Amanda,  Des, tom, Aaron, Jessica, Ashley, Chris, Lisa, Cynthia, Bianca, YVONNE, Rebeca, Brandon,  Lyndon you two if you have been listening 2. Basing my … Read more

Saturday Weekly Recap for Nov 19th

This is your Saturday weekly recap of the content produced in the 54 minutes and 36 seconds we spent together during the week ending November 19, 2016.   When you listen to today’s episode, you’ll notice that there is a new sound to the podcast!   I’d like to thank Drew Weber (Real Imaging Production) … Read more

passionate professional blind individuals – Dreevay The Blind Way Forward

“the thing of changing your way of living is you have to change your way of thinking” Via @MARLON86653888  Click To Tweet This interview with Marlon .C. Parieaho was a blast. You can learn more about Marlon on todays chat, as well as on his blog: The Blind Way Forward his podcast: Dreevay in the … Read more

passionate  professional blind individuals – she was made redundant but no stopping Amanda Heal.mp3

In this podcast episode i was joined with Amanda Heal of: Below i have included the questions asked to amanda. Listen to this podcast episode to hear her responses. If you want to connect to amanda on the following social media sites, click the respective link. Twitter, Facebook, Linked in If you would like … Read more

bring passion to your content

In today’s episode I talk with you about how important it is to bring passion to the voice of your content. If you’re producing podcast which I have the most experience with, your listeners will be able to tell if you’re just reading the content you’re sharing with them. If however you’re truly passionate about … Read more