What Is Success – Success Saturday

Success Tip SaturdayDon’t forget that if you would like to you can show support for the Your Own Pay Podcast and expand your knowledge. Pick a free book from audible up and when you use this link for your free audible book the Your Own Pay Podcast will get paid a $15 commission. It’s a … Read more

Hanging Out With Mike Malarsie

Recently I had the opportunity to interview an amazing individual. If you don’t know Mike Malarsie you don’t know what you’re missing. Today’s interview is going to blow your mind because Mr. Malarsie is taking action and making things happen. You’ll hear all about it in today’s interview but Mike lost his vision due to … Read more

Thrive On Thursday With Automation.

This Dictionary.com link defines “thrive” as “to grow strongly and vigorously.” I really liked that version of the definition. Today I’m going to talk to you about a way you can thrive in your business. If you use automation in your business you can thrive. When you stop spending time on the tasks that you … Read more

4 Incredible Motivation Transformations

4 Incredible Motivation Transformations   Introduction done by Jeff. Jeffradio.com – tell him Michael Babcock at yourownpay.com sent you and he will take good care of you.   Today is our Monday Motivation show. In this podcast we will discuss four people who have had incredible motivation transformations.   If you didn’t hear yesterday’s episode … Read more

How To Make More Changes By Doing Less?

How To Make More Changes By Doing Less Disclaimer: If the f word offends you, you might not want to listen to this podcast. Not appropriate to listen to around children. Categorized explicit for a reason. If you are unsure about what you need to do to take the next step this podcast is for … Read more

How To Teach WordPress Better Then Anyone Else

How To Teach WordPress Sites Better Than Anyone Else    In today’s episode I’m sharing my knowledge of past experiences to help you learn how to teach word press better than anyone else. Those who are new to the podcast, my name is Michael Babcock and I’m helping the blind entrepreneurs bring their business online … Read more

The Your Own Pay Podcast Now On Youtube

The Your Own Pay Podcast Now On Youtube Welcome back to another your own pay podcast, today I talk with you about the new availability of the YouTube channel I’ve recently started. If you’d like to connect with the YouTube channel, and check out what I’ve got going on over there click here and subscribe. … Read more

Let Me Here Your Voice – Quick Intro To Anchor

In this podcast, I walk you through the setup process of getting started with anchor. Anchor is an application available on IOS that will allow people to communicate via voice. It brings podcasting to a whole new level, with the ability to collaborate with your followers and listeners. There are some interesting accessibility loopholes with … Read more

Interview With Blind Joe – Your Own Pay Podcast

Today I had the honor  of interviewing blind Joe from the TV show “The Voice”. Yesterday in the podcast episode I released, find it here, I talked briefly about how I was slightly nervous for the interview. I don’t know why I was nervous, as you’ll hear in this interview, our conversation pretty much flowed … Read more

There are still things I need to know

There are things I want to know, that’s the biggest reason that people I speak with don’t get started with taking action. To be honest with you, that’s one of the reasons why I had difficulties with taking action myself, and getting started with events that would change my life. Unfortunately, I felt that it … Read more

Does Customer Service Impact What You Pay?

Will you pay more for customer service?   In today’s podcast I recorded a quick audio live from our local Starbucks. In this audio I discussed with you the reason that Starbucks in my opinion does so well. While I’m recording the introduction to this podcast, I reflect that one guy paid nine dollars for … Read more

2 examples of restoring motivation

In this podcast I discussed with you two examples  of  restoring your motivation. You hear a story about my process of acquiring a dog died again, as well as an opportunity to hear some of the interactions I’m having with this dog guide. If you get any value out of this posting, don’t forget to share … Read more